Action Alert: EBMUD to consider giving water to Tassajara Parks Project

We have just learned that the EBMUD Board is considering changing its stance on supplying water to the Tassajara Parks project. This could happen as early as February 6th. Please take a moment to use the Action Alert link to send direct emails to the EBMUD Board to ask them NOT to expand their service area for this project. Action Alert:

As many of you know, our suit against the developer of Tassajara Parks, the 125 home proposed development next to Tassajara Hills School, was successful, primarily because the judge ruled that the Environmental Impact Report violated CEQUA—specifically the report did not identify a water source.  Hence the developer was sent back to square one to find water and submit a new EIR.

Recently we have had more good news—the judge ruled that the developer must pay the legal bills of the litigants—Danville, EBMUD, and our group plus Sierra Club and Greenbelt Alliance.

However, the developer has not given up! Please use the link above to ask EBMUD to NOT expand its water boundary.